Welcome to the Saxton Lab!
Division of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Departments of Molecular and Cell Biology and Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley

Mechanisms of cell communication governing
tissue inflammation, repair, and homeostasis
Inflammatory immune responses are essential for protecting organisms against injury, infection, and disease, but excessive inflammation can damage bystander tissues and compromise biological function. To prevent this, mammals have evolved a complex array of signaling molecules and receptors that ensure the appropriate protection and repair of host tissues during and after inflammation. Failure of these homeostatic systems can result in chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, and cancer — diseases with rapidly increasing prevalence in modern society.
The Saxton Lab studies the mechanisms of intercellular signaling that control tissue inflammation, repair, and homeostasis, with the goal of developing new therapeutics to harness these pathways in disease.
Our interdisciplinary research program uses cutting edge approaches in protein engineering (directed evolution, rational design), structural biology (cryo-EM), receptor pharmacology, and mouse models of inflammation to understand and control inflammatory signaling at the atomic, cellular, and organismal levels.

For a complete list see Google Scholar.
Key Publications
1. Saxton, R. A.*, Caveney, N. A.*, Moya-Garzon, M. D., Householder, K. D., Rodriguez, G.E., Burdsall, K. A., Long, J. Z., Garcia, K. C. (2023). Structural insights into the mechanism of leptin receptor activation. Nature communications, 14(1797).
2. Caveney, N. A.*, Saxton, R. A.*, Waghray, D.*, Glassman, C. R., Tsutsumi, N., Hubbard, S. R., Garcia, K. C. (2023). Structural basis of Janus Kinase trans-activation. Cell reports, 42(3), 112201.
3. Saxton, R. A., Glassman, C. R., & Garcia, K. C. (2022). Emerging principles of cytokine pharmacology and therapeutics. Nature reviews. Drug discovery, 10.1038/s41573-022-00557-6.
4. Saxton, R. A., Henneberg, L. T., Calafiore, M., Su, L., Jude, K. M., Hanash, A. M., & Garcia, K. C. (2021). The tissue protective functions of interleukin-22 can be decoupled from pro-inflammatory actions through structure-based design. Immunity, 54(4), 660–672.e9.
5. Saxton, R. A., Tsutsumi, N., Su, L. L., Abhiraman, G. C., Mohan, K., Henneberg, L. T., Aduri, N. G., Gati, C., & Garcia, K. C. (2021). Structure-based decoupling of the pro- and anti-inflammatory functions of interleukin-10. Science, 371(6535), eabc8433.
Other work
1. Abhiraman, G.C., Bruun, T.U.J., Caveney, N.A., Su, L.L., Saxton, R.A., Yin, Q., Tang, S., Davis, M.M., Jude, K.M, Garcia, K.C. (2023). A structural blueprint for interleukin-21 signal modulation. Cell reports, 42(6), 112657.
2. Valenstein, M.L.*, Rogala, K.B.*, Lalgudi, P.V., Brignole, E.J., Gu, X., Saxton, R.A., Chantranupong, L., Kolibius, J., Quast, J.-P., and Sabatini, D.M. (2022). Structure of the nutrient-sensing hub GATOR2. Nature, 607(7919), 610–616.
3. Glassman, C. R.*, Tsutsumi, N.*, Saxton, R. A., Lupardus, P. J., Jude, K. M., & Garcia, K. C. (2022). Structure of a Janus kinase cytokine receptor complex reveals the basis for dimeric activation. Science, 376(6589), 163–169.
4. Mohan, K.*, Ueda, G.*, Kim, A. R., Jude, K. M., Fallas, J. A., Guo, Y., Hafer, M., Miao, Y., Saxton, R. A., Piehler, J., Sankaran, V. G., Baker, D., & Garcia, K. C. (2019). Topological control of cytokine receptor signaling induces differential effects in hematopoiesis. Science, 364(6442), eaav7532.
5. Mena, E. L., Kjolby, R., Saxton, R. A., Werner, A., Lew, B. G., Boyle, J. M., Harland, R., & Rape, M. (2018). Dimerization quality control ensures neuronal development and survival. Science, 362(6411), eaap8236.
6. Gu, X.*, Orozco, J. M.*, Saxton, R. A., Condon, K. J., Liu, G. Y., Krawczyk, P. A., Scaria, S. M., Harper, J. W., Gygi, S. P., & Sabatini, D. M. (2017). SAMTOR is an S-adenosylmethionine sensor for the mTORC1 pathway. Science, 358(6364), 813–818.
7. Saxton, R. A., & Sabatini, D. M. (2017). mTOR Signaling in Growth, Metabolism, and Disease. Cell, 168(6), 960–976. (Review)
8. Saxton, R. A., Chantranupong, L., Knockenhauer, K. E., Schwartz, T. U., & Sabatini, D. M. (2016). Mechanism of arginine sensing by CASTOR1 upstream of mTORC1. Nature, 536(7615), 229–233.
9. Chantranupong, L., Scaria, S. M., Saxton, R. A., Gygi, M. P., Shen, K., Wyant, G. A., Wang, T., Harper, J. W., Gygi, S. P., & Sabatini, D. M. (2016). The CASTOR Proteins Are Arginine Sensors for the mTORC1 Pathway. Cell, 165(1), 153–164.
10. Saxton, R. A., Knockenhauer, K. E., Wolfson, R. L., Chantranupong, L., Pacold, M. E., Wang, T., Schwartz, T. U., & Sabatini, D. M. (2016). Structural basis for leucine sensing by the Sestrin2-mTORC1 pathway. Science, 351(6268), 53–58.
11. Wolfson, R. L.*, Chantranupong, L.*, Saxton, R. A., Shen, K., Scaria, S. M., Cantor, J. R., & Sabatini, D. M. (2016). Sestrin2 is a leucine sensor for the mTORC1 pathway. Science, 351(6268), 43–48.
12. Chantranupong, L.*, Wolfson, R. L.*, Orozco, J. M., Saxton, R. A., Scaria, S. M., Bar-Peled, L., Spooner, E., Isasa, M., Gygi, S. P., & Sabatini, D. M. (2014). The Sestrins interact with GATOR2 to negatively regulate the amino-acid-sensing pathway upstream of mTORC1. Cell reports, 9(1), 1–8.
*Equal contribution
Lab Members
Robert A. Saxton, PhD
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor of Immunology & Molecular Medicine (IMM) and Molecular Therapeutics (MTx)
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
Department of Chemistry
rsaxton [at] berkeley.edu

Leia Sun, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Molecular and Cell Biology
leiasun [at] berkeley.edu​
Ferrin Antony, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Molecular and Cell Biology
ferrinantony [at] berkeley.edu
Alexander Dasque
Graduate Student
abdasque [at] berkeley.edu​

Yichen (Eason) Li, MPH
Staff Research Associate
eason.li [at] berkeley.edu​
Isaac Kaba
Graduate Student
Chemical Biology
isaac_kaba [at] berkeley.edu​

Evander Li
Staff Research Associate
evander.li [at] berkeley.edu​

Jiucheng Ding
Staff Research Associate
jd2263 [at] berkeley.edu​
Kevin Li
Staff Research Associate
kli2 [at] berkeley.edu

Param Malik
Undergraduate Researcher
Molecular and Cell Biology
malikparam [at] berkeley.edu
Saira Gupta
Undergraduate Researcher
Molecular and Cell Biology
sairagupta [at] berkeley.edu
Lab Alumni Current Position
Katie Fang, Undergraduate researcher Stanford Immunology PhD program
Mallak Ali, Undergraduate researcher Research associate at CZI Imaging Institute
Miko Mallari, Staff Research Associate UCSF Computational Drug Discovery MS Program
Join us!
The Saxton Lab is a diverse group of scientists with backgrounds in immunology, biochemistry, protein engineering, and structural biology. We are unified by a passion for dissecting immune cell signaling pathways and developing next generation immune-targeted therapies. We are located in the 3rd floor of the Li Ka Shing Center at UC Berkeley, within the departments of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) and Chemistry.
Graduate Students:
The Saxton Lab is affiliated with several graduate programs at UC Berkeley including MCB, Biophysics, and Chemical Biology, and we are currently accepting rotation students from all programs.
Motivated postdocs with expertise in immunology, biochemistry or structural biology are encouraged to apply. Please include a cover letter, your CV, and contact information for three references.
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Masters Students:
Current masters students who are enrolled in national or international programs and hoping to join our lab as visiting students (6-12 month duration) to complete their thesis are welcome. Research experience in biology, biochemistry or chemistry is an advantage.
Candidates interested in any of these opportunities are welcome to contact us directly.